LifeShift - Your Personal Transformation Adventure
Transform past problems, pain, limitations & loss, into lightness, laughter, learning, and living, fully.Let GO, Create FLOW. Create a happy, healthy, hope-filled, high-performance, positive, powerFULL, YOU…NOW! It’s all we have. NOW!
LifeShift Formula WON - Success Ensurance is the NOW FACTOR that ensures greatest REAL success!
Your Most Potent Personal Transformation Experience… designed and refined over 45 years of experience.
Move from ouch and ow… to amazing, peaceful, and wow!
Based upon my deep involvement, research, and development, of the MOST powerful Self Mastery tools, technologies, strategies and systems, available, globally. I needed the work for myself. And now I’m improving and sharing with you!
Shift from outer Reaction... to inner Resonance, Resilience and Response-Agility Mindset.
Value yourself enough to come and join us on and adventure of discovery… development and, new decisions that support YOU.
Embark on a journey from fear, fragility, hurt, loss, low self-esteem, anger, hurt, frustration and pain – to Freedom, Love, Abundance, Peace, & Joy.
We all know that the secret to success… is an INSIDE job.
It’s the small inner things that block us from achieving bigger outer things!
It’s the invisible voice, the limiting beliefs, and an incorrect IDENTITY, that limits our courage, connection, and contribution.
Time to set yourself Free, Time to FLY.
New Growth-Optimised Mindset
Your Identity Re-engineering System Foundation totally transforms your life from the inside out.
Building a positive powerful Growth-Optimised mindset, and Re-engineered Personal Identity with… boosted Self-Awareness, self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, happiness, Self-Care and Self-Leadership, are all smart choices we can make…
…if we are aware enough.
…if we have sufficient life-force/ will power and energy
… and if we have the secret of the new NOW FACTOR.
LifeShift Self Mastery Adventure
3 Phase Personal Transformation
Life-shifting Personal Transformation Journey
The LifeShift Adventure is a 3-phase personal transformation adventure workshop & action-learning experience that gives you the tools for enhancing personal freedom.
It is uniquely designed to gently take you through incrementally powerful steps, from a state of low energy, low self-esteem, protective, fear-based, focus to becoming more happy, healthy, loving, conscious, resilient, powerful, awake, aware, and free from unnecessary limiting beliefs and old baggage.
We are unconsciously driven by beliefs, projections, fears, low self-worth, concerns, worries, hurts, incomplete-experiences, hopes and dreams.
It’s often difficult to see who’s really in charge of “us” and our reactions, feelings, thoughts and emotions.
The LifeShift experiential self mastery adventure is designed to improve your awareness, consciousness, relationships, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, happiness, health, energy, happiness, and sense of REAL success – forever.
Self Discovery Step #1
Step 1: The Phoenix Adventure
“Gentle journey of discovering, identifying, and releasing your energy-leaks, limiting beliefs, negative self-images, judgements, low self-esteem perspectives, and in-completions, that hold you locked into the past.
A powerful releasing of anger, depression, judgement, loss, hurts, blames and shames.”
We’ve all come through a challenging past of some kind. Some just decide to carry more baggage than is necessary.
It’s time to lighten up… a lot!
Self Development Step #2
Step 2: Dragon Slayers (Dragon Tamers)
CONFRONT YOUR FEARS: “Powerful journey of facing your fears, low confidence, low self esteem, and negative self talk.
Dragon Slayers is about courage, confidence and taking action to get your power back. Transform your negative energy into powerful innergy that can push through any fear.”
Self Mastery Step #3
Step 3: The Alchemist
“The Alchemist turns lead into gold… heavy… dark energy into light… bright confident energy.
A challenging adventure of creating a new reality…new energy, new beliefs, new behaviors, new results and true success of health, wealth and happiness.”
Areas of your life that will Life-Shift
- Low Self Esteem.
- Negative Self Image
- Limiting Personal Identity
- Depression (Anger without enthusiasm )
- Hurts. suffering, loss, jealousy, anger
- Financial aptitudes & attitudes
- Resilience and Hardiness.
- Reduce Anxiety levels
- Self Healing and Self-awareness
- Spirituality & Consciousness
- Enhance Relationships
- Personal Goals
- Health & Wealth attitudes and potential
Transformation Workshop Booking Process
Contact Your Master Success Activator & Consciousness Transformation Coach- Tony Dovale
Phone – 083-447-6300
Testimonial – Hi Tony…Thank you…you have made such a big impact on my life. I have learnt and grown so very much through your advice, guidance, and assistance.
Thank you for opening up my mind, heart and soul to stand up for myself and what I believe, to love myself unconditionally, and not be afraid to take on anything this life has to offer!
I was destined for greatness, you helped me realize my own truth. I know that I still have a long ways to go but everyday is one step closer ! LV.
Upcoming Talks & Workshops
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Personal Transformation?
A process of amazing, and gentle, self discovery and healing, that enables the person to make new more empowering choices, that enables them to feel better, take better actions, and live a better quality of life, in all area of their lives.